Hello, Goodbye: os cumprimentos em inglês
For those just starting to study English, it’s nice to get started with basic things like learning to greet someone in a conversation. Whether it’s a simple hello or a good afternoon, the first step is always the most important.
In English, to talk about “greetings”, we use the word “greetings” . So, ready to learn some more?
Let’s start with some of the first words we learn in a new language: Hi / Hello, which in English we say “Hi” or “Hello .” Check out our examples:
Hi, I’m Sam.
(Hi, I’m Sam.)
Hello, Sam.
(Hello, Sam.)
Take the opportunity to ask how someone is using “How are you?” , “How is it going?” , the informal “What’s up?” or even “How are you doing?” . They all mean the same thing, but in different ways.
And if someone asks you one of these questions, there are several answers that will depend on your mood. If you are “ok”, the possible answers are:
I’m fine, thank you.
(I’m fine, thanks.)
I’m good, how about you?
(I’m fine, how about you?)
I’m great!
(I’m great!)
I’m ok, thanks for asking.
(I’m fine, thanks for asking.)
Not so bad.
(I’m going.)
But if it’s not all right and you’re talking to someone you already know well, you can say:
I’m not okay.
(I’m not fine.)
Not so good.
(I’m not very well.)
And finally, let’s present the formal basics: good morning, good afternoon and good night. Do you already know how they are in English? When you get to work in the morning, say “Good morning” . When entering a meeting after lunch, say “Good afternoon” . When you meet your friends at dinner in a restaurant, you can say “Good evening” and, to say goodbye or go to sleep, use “Good night” .
Speaking of saying goodbye, I almost forgot to say goodbye! To do this, use “Goodbye” or a simple “Bye” . And we’ll see you soon , I’ll say “see you soon!” .
PS – If you are a beginner, you will also enjoy reading how to say thank you in English .
Escrito por Sarah Oliveira