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Seien Sie kein Wortlangweiler: Alternativen für Yes
The English word ‘yes’ is derived from the Old English ‘die’, which means ‘May It Be so’ (as it may be) means. It can be traced back to a time before the 12th century. In the centuries that have passed since then, numerous alternatives were able to prevail to ‘yes’ in the English language. The word itself is also used in many different contexts of meaning.f
Today, we deal with some of the most common alternatives with which you express yourself precisely and can make your English conversation alive – from formal occasions, such as in the workplace to Plauderstündchen relaxed among friends.. The word ‘yes’ is exceedingly flexible and adapts to situations of all kinds, and the same applies to its alternatives.
‘Yes’, an answer to a question be, z. B .: “Have you seen where I put my briefcase?” (“Did you see where I parked my wallet?”) Or “Do you understand?” ( “Do you understand?”)
The use of ‘yes’ in such a context is usually very straightforward and requires little emotion. Simple alternatives could include:
I do or I have
Or give yourself a casual:
Yep and yeah are very common alternatives to yes, but are used only in the formless framework among people who know each other well. In more formal situations, such. As at work talking with your boss, it could trigger frown.
‘Yes’, a response to a request to be, albeit a shapeless, z. B .: “Could you pass the butter please?” (“Could you please pass me the butter?”)
Of course
Sure I can!
No problem!
Or even a more formal “. Please make sure the paperwork is finished for 5 O’Clock” (“Please make sure that the documents are completed to 17 clock.”)
I will
By All Means
‘Yes’, a reply to an offer be, eg. B .: “I’ve got spare tickets to the big game this weekend if you’d like one?” (“I have tickets for the big game at the weekend, want one? “) or” I could help you with your homework tonight if you like? “(” I could help today evening with homework, if you would like? “)
I’d love that!
You bet!
Fo sho! – Youth slang for for sure or Certainly
‘Yes’, a his word with which you express your consent to the positive statement, eg. B .: “That was a great evening” (“That was a great night”) or “What not that a fantastic lunch? “(” Was not that a great lunch? “)
Yes, it was!
Sure thing!
Was not it just!
The above alternatives are all very positive. Depending on which option to use for ‘yes’ you, you can place more or less enthusiasm in your answer. The following options depend on how much you agree with a statement or not:
Totally! – A loose, colloquial alternative to ‘yes’, originally from the youthful surfer and skater culture of America. Through movies and music it has found worldwide distribution and is also used frequently today, especially among younger native English speakers.
Yeah, right … – can be used in sarcastic way. In reference to the above examples, you could thus express z. B. that the evening was rather boring or lunch terribly.
‘Yes’ can also take out a statement and indicates that one expects an affirmation. For example: “You got the report handed in on time, yes?” (“You have yet submitted the report in good time, right?”)
Right? – By far the most common alternative to ‘yes’, you will hear in this context, often at the end of a sentence like the one above.
‘Yes’, a his response to someone who directed the word to you or trying to get your attention. For example: “Oh, Ms. Smith.” “Yes”?
For informal situations, there are also:
Or for formal:
Yes, what is it?
Yes, what can I do for you?
You called?
‘Yes’ can be used to encourage someone to go on talking. For example, in a conversation like this:
Mike: “When you bought Those photographs …” (“When did you buy these photographs …”)
Dave: “Yes” (“Yes?”)
Mike: “Did you get them from the shop on the High Street” (“Did you out of the shop on the shopping street?”)
Dave assured Mike that he heard him, and encouraged him to continue with his question. ‘Yes’ is often used in this context, on the phone, but also in many other conversational situations. Possible alternatives are:
I hear you – more formal and more uses in the workplace than business jargon.
And the more casual variants:
Mmm hmm?
If someone often Uh-huh … .uh-huh …. Repeatedly while someone listens others, then this corresponds to a bored and half-hearted yes!
I see – is rather used when someone tells something instead asks something. For example:
Mike: “There’s a problem with the report …” (“There is a problem with the report …”)
Dave: “I see …” (“I see …”)
Mike: “… it contains some errors in the last paragraph.” (“… In the last paragraph are a few mistakes.”)
‘Yes’ can also be an outcry and express great joy or excitement. For example: “You got tickets for the gig? YES! “(” You’ve got tickets for the concert? YES! “)
In a case like this numerous alternatives are available, since there are so many English exclamations that express joy. For example, try:
Hell, yes!
And, as you say Yes prefer? Do you have any other alternatives that could be our online readers useful? Do they do the following comment box!