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Dessert は「デザート」で、desertは「砂漠」です。
I ordered ice cream for dessert after my main course.
I visited a desert while I was in Saudi Arabia.
If you are happy with the contract, sign here to accept
I like most vegetables except for carrots.
there は、場所を表す副詞で、「そこに、そこへ」という意味です。t****heirは、複数の所有者を表す所有代名詞で、「彼らの、それらの」という意味です。
He has lived there for 20 years.
They love their
principle は、「原理、道理、本質」という意味です。principalは、主な人物や物事を表す単語で、「校長、主要な」などの意味があります。
He has many principles. One of which is that we should all be kind to each other.
The principal actor in the play gave a great performance.
My mother always gives good advice.
I advised him to look for another job.
borrowは「借りる」で、lend は「貸す」です。
Can I borrow your car?
Sorry, I can’t lend it to you today.
Despite the rain, we still had a great time.
Despite getting wet cold, we still had a great time.
Although it was raining, we still had a great time.
affectは動詞で、 effect は名詞です。
The war has affected all sectors of the economy.
The effect of the war is enormous.
Personalは「個人の、私的な」という意味で、あなたのpersonal 詳細には、名前や年齢、国籍などがあります。personnel は「従業員」です。
Be careful with your personal details on the Internet.
This company has great personnel – they all work so hard!
I assured him that you would be there.
Please ensure that you get to the meeting on time.
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