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Last week I lost my car keys. I always loose/lose things. In the past/passed I have lost keys, phones, jewellery and even my dog. I found my dog eventually, although by then he was to/too tired to walk and I had to carry him home. When _your/you’r_e like me and you keep losing things, it’s/its often the reason that you are late for something. I don’t know the cause of this clumsiness. I like to think that my brain is very full and that other people have fewer thoughts in their/there head than I do. If I didn’t have so much to think about, I wouldn’t be so careless with my possessions. I hear/here that this is a problem for many people, not just me. So the next time you make an arrangement with someone who’s/whose often late, don’t try to give them advise/advice, just understand that maybe they are very intelligent.
[回答 (太字が正解です):
lose /luːz/ (loose /luːs/ = 緩い)
past /pɑːst/ (passed /pɑːst/ = passの過去形/経過する/試験に合格する)
too /tuː/ (to /tuː/ =不定動詞の一部/前置詞)
**you’re /**jɔː,jʊə/ (your /jɔː,jʊə/= あなたの所有物)
it’s /ɪts/ (its /ɪts/= 中性な何かの所有物)
**their /**ðɛː/ (there /ðɛː/ = その位置/場所で)
**hear /**hɪə/ (here /hɪə/ = この位置/場所で)
who’s /huːz/ (whose /huːz/ = 所有者を尋ねる疑問詞)
advice /ədˈvaɪs/ (advise /ədˈvaɪz/ = 名詞adviceの動詞)