料理研究家とがみゆかの 英語で料理レッスン【オム焼きそば】

7月といえば、「夏祭り」(Summer Festival)ですね。
材料(1人分) / Ingredients for 1 servings
焼きそば麺 1袋:1 bag Yakisoba noodle
豚薄切り肉 50g:50g Sliced pork
キャベツの葉 1枚:1 Cabbage leaf
長ネギ 5cm:5cm Long onion
にんじん 3cm:3cm Carrot
にんにく 1かけ:1 Garlic clove
もやし 1/4袋:1/4 bag Bean sprouts
卵 1個:1 Egg
ごま油 小さじ1:1 tsp Sesame oil
塩・胡椒 適量:Salt and Pepper, as needed
酒 大さじ1:1 Tbsp Sake
ウスターソース 大さじ1:1 Tbsp Worcester sauce
しょうゆ 大さじ1:1 Tbsp Soy sauce
みりん 大さじ1/2:1/2 Tbsp Mirin
砂糖 大さじ1/2:1/2 Tbsp Sugar
トマトソース 大さじ1/2 :1/2 Tbsp Tomato sauce
Bonito flakes, Green laver, Picked ginger, Dried shrimp, Mayonnaise etc.
1. Cut the sliced pork and cabbage leaf into bite-size pieces. Julienne the carrot and slice the long onion 1cm width diagonally. Rinse and drain the bean sprout. Chop the garlic clove.
2. Mix the ingredients (A) and make the Yakisoba sauce into the bowl.
3. Put the noodle on the heated pan and pour the sake over it. Press the noodle with the spatula and heat until the brown color. Move the noodle aside.
4. Add the sesame oil, pork and chopped garlic. When the pork becomes brown, then add the bean sprout, cabbage, carrot and long onion. Sprinkle with the salt and pepper.
5. Mix with noodle and vegetables. Add the sauce and over it and stir quickly with high heat. Take out the Yakisoba and move to the plate.
6. Pour the beaten egg on the pan and make the thin sheet. When it becomes soft boiled, place it over the Yakisoba. Sprinkle the toppings.