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Dress Code at the Workplace in English
In the corporate world, it is very common for men to wear a “suit” to work – a collared long sleeve shirt, a tie and smart pants with a jacket, along with smart shoes. Wearing a suit to work shows your respect and attitude towards your job. If you’re dressed smartly, and you’re neat and tidy it implies that you’re a hardworking person who is dedicated to their work.
Women wear something similar to what men wear. It is more common and acceptable for women to wear pants now, so either smart pants with a shirt and a jacket. There is also the option of wearing a skirt – which should never be shorter than a hand above the knee. Anything higher will be seen as inappropriate and unacceptable.
Each company has their own dress code. Some companies are more relaxed than others. In general (including smart casual), here are some examples of what is deemed acceptable and unacceptable:
1. Casual trousers, smart pants or smart jeans.
2. Collared shirts, turtlenecks or sweaters.
3. Smart skirts and dresses.
1. T-shirts or sweatshirts with logos.
2. Low cut or strapless tops.
3. Showing any underwear.