Top tips to speed up your English learning
English is a fascinating and complex language. Learning it can be a challenge, but that doesn’t mean it has to drag on or be impossible. There are lots of easy ways you can change your English practice to speed up the learning process and make it more engaging too.
Try out these top tips and you’ll find you absorb new knowledge and vocabulary faster, your spoken word skills will improve and you’ll feel more confident communicating with native English speakers.
Ready to take your English to the next level? Add these tips to your English practice and you’ll learn more quickly.
Start quizzing to learn English
Anyone learning English can find the process uninspiring at times, especially if you’re learning the same way every day. Studying endless vocabulary lists and grammar rules isn’t the only way to learn a language. Introducing fast and fun English language quizzes to your studies can help keep you motivated.
EF English Live has created a range of fun quizzes to help test your knowledge as you learn. You’ll get to know detailed phrases for all kinds of situations, find out where your English skills need improvement and which areas of your learning you’re performing well at.
Speaking to a native speaker
There’s no faster way to learn English than to speak it every day. Being able to speak regularly with a native English speaker will help speed up your learning immediately. You can find native English speaking students and teachers online who will be happy to help. You can meet up regularly for sessions where you talk only in English, be it online or offline. Whether it’s an English-speaking friend, relative, fellow student or teacher, they’ll be able to:
● Point out mistakes
● Help you recognise areas in which you need to improve
● Encourage you in your learning, keep you motivated
● Teach you new words and phrases
● Speed up your conversational English learning
● Boost your confidence in speaking English
● Help you instantly improve your pronunciation skills
Try something new
Besides quizzes, there are lots of fun and interesting ways to liven up your learning. A change is good for you. You might want to check out:
● English podcasts
● TED talks
● Listening to music in English
● An English magazine that’s about a hobby of yours. You’ll find English language magazines that are about everything from computing to Hollywood gossip, so you’ll definitely be able to find one that interests you
Study buddies
Native English speakers aren’t the only people it’s useful to be around when you’re learning English. Fellow students face the same challenges as you and it’s great to share problems you’re facing together. Meeting up regularly with study buddies for sessions where you speak only in English will help all of you learn more quickly. It also gives you the chance to ask for advice about things you’re having trouble understanding and to give your own advice to other students who may be struggling with English skills you feel more confident about.
Time for a holiday?
Being immersed in a new language instantly speeds up the learning process. By visiting an English-speaking country you are forced to speak in English all the time. You’ll also hear it all around you, all day, every day. As the English phrase says: practice makes perfect – and there’s no better way to practise your English language skills than to experience an English-speaking environment. You’ll find instant improvements to your:
● English comprehension skills
● Pronunciation skills
● Vocabulary
● Communication skills
You’ll also get to learn a range of English accents that can be hard to get to grips with the in the classroom. You’ll find out how people really speak in English every day and have a lot of fun learning too.
And these are your tips for today. Now, you just need to practice your English to write like a native speaker. See you!