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15 tips for learning English faster and more easily
These days we are so busy with work, children, shopping, running errands, making time for friends, and visiting family. We all want to know the easiest, quickest, and most effective way to learn English. But what if we do not have much time to sit down and learn? Check out our tips on how to learn English faster and easily.
1. Set aside time each day
Realistically, you have to spend time every week studying English, even if it is only a few minutes a day. This step takes the most dedication and practice to get used to, but once you are in a good routine, you’ll never look back.
2. Improve four English words every morning
Every morning, think of four words in your language that you don’t know in English and write them down in a notebook. Even before you have your first cup of coffee, use a dictionary or the Internet to look up the meaning of these words in English . This will be your vocabulary for the day. You have to repeat the words throughout the day. Always carry the notebook with you, in your car, in your bag, or on your desk! Easy – and it only takes a few minutes a day. Learning four new English words a day means a total of 28 new words a week. And don’t worry if you’re not entirely sure you’re using the words correctly, this tip is all about exposing yourself to new vocabulary.
3. Work at the right time of day for you
Do you work better at night or in the morning? Decide when you have more time and energy to work on your English and choose the time that works best for you. Every learner is different and has their own unique learning style.
4. Find your best way of improving
Normally a child improves when they are surrounded by their mother tongue, experiences linguistic immersion and gradually, over the years, improves different aspects of language. They learn to read, write, listen and speak. So, to learn English quickly and easily, think about how much it helped you to improve your own language – reading, writing and speaking – and try to remember which method was easiest for you. For example, if you improved by reading at school, try to find easy English books to read and build your confidence, vocabulary and comprehension. Or if you enjoyed grammar, do online grammar activities with EF English Live.
5. Find rules and guidelines to follow
Rules and guidelines can be very effective for some types of learner. For example, English pronunciation rules for ‘what, where, ‘when’ or ‘the cat sat on the mat’, or the conjugation of verbs such as ‘go, going, gone’. Go from easy to difficult.
Sometimes it is good to challenge yourself, as this can motivate you to improve even more. When you are working on your English vocabulary, try associating the word with a picture in your head. For example, for the word ‘flower’, picture a beautiful plant growing, while you might think of someone using ‘flour’ to make bread...
6. Study before every English class
Our next tip is to research the topic of your next online English class before you go. Impress your teacher by knowing the related vocabulary already, or asking questions about the topic. Try logging on to your computer ten minutes before class to prepare your brain for English. Reading about the topic in advance can help you feel more relaxed and allows you to express yourself better. Of course, our EF English Live teachers are there to help and support you, but spending a little time beforehand to prepare won’t do you any harm.
7. Learn with different teachers
Can you imagine only learning with teachers from America or Australia? Some students feel more comfortable with certain teachers or accents, but this can limit your speaking ability in the future. It’s a good idea to change teachers so that you hear what English sounds like all over the world.
8. Listen to others
Listen to what others say in your group classes. For example, they may make mistakes that you make too and you can both learn from this. Secondly, English is universal. You have to get used to hearing it spoken by people all over the world. A French person speaking English may sound different to a Chinese person. English is a global language, so it’s important to listen and understand its different variations.
9. Review your notes after each class
At the end of the class, don’t forget to review the slides and vocabulary or re-read your notes for corrections. If there are words you don’t know, write them down and review them later. The next day, try to remember what you learned, or practice talking to someone about the class in English.
10. Watch movies or TV series and listen to music in English
Find as many opportunities as possible to listen to the language you are learning. If you live in a country with English TV channels, tune in! If you have homework to do at home, leave the TV on in the background. Even if you don’t realise it, your brain is absorbing the language.
It’s also good practice to watch a film in English with subtitles. Choose action movies where the story is often easier to understand. Then read a synopsis to see if you understood what happened. You can even try writing a review of the film.
Listening to music in English, audiobooks or podcasts is also a great option. You can do this in your spare time while cleaning at home or on your way to work. Even if you don’t understand everything, you will be exposed to English and your listening skills will gradually develop.
11. Use the EF English Live app
Mobile technology provides us with the opportunity to practice English in our spare time. With a mobile phone or a tablet, you can practice English while waiting for the bus, on the train, or having a coffee. If you have time to kill in between meetings, why not use it to learn some new vocabulary?
There are many gaps in life that we can fill with useful tasks, with the right technology. That’s why we’ve made EF English Live easy to access on the go. The number one goal of our virtual English language school has always been to find ways to make learning English online easier and more convenient. That’s why now, in addition to our new and improved content, easy level progression, and access to more group classes every day, EF English Live is now available for iPad® and Android tablets.
12. Meet fellow learners at EF English Live
Speak with your fellow EF English Live learners and organize a time each week to meet up. The rule is you can only speak in English!
13. Arrange one hour of English with your family
Make an agreement with your family that at breakfast on Saturdays, you will all speak in English for one hour. In this way, everyone will improve their English and benefit from your classes! If you don’t live near your family, try speaking in English over a video call.
14. Try to think in English
One of our favorite English improving tips is to think in English. No matter how busy you are, before you do something you have to think? So, why not think in English? It’s going to be hard at first because your brain will naturally want to think in your native language but persevere. If you don’t know how to say a word, write it down in your vocabulary notebook, ask about it in class, or look it up. At home or somewhere private, you could also try speaking your thoughts out loud.
15. Set weekly and monthly goals
Sit down once a week and decide where you want to be the following week. Do you want to finish a lesson in the unit? Maybe when the month is over you would like to be able to write about yourself at a higher level. When you have set your weekly and monthly goals, do everything you can to achieve them – make sure you reward yourself too!
We hope you have found our tips for learning English useful. Apply these tips every day and you’ll learn English more quickly. Any exposure to English, whether it is in your head, in class or in a dictionary, is beneficial and helps you to become fluent. Finally, don’t forget to congratulate yourself on what you have achieved.