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Learning English is a safe haven for next economic crisis
As the global financial crisis of 2007-2008 reached its peak, people all over the world had to cut back on spending and think carefully about how to secure their employment in the future. One result of this was increased economic migration, another was increasing competition for the jobs that remained.
Whether moving to another country to seek employment or making themselves more competitive in the job market in their own countries, huge numbers of people all over the world started learning languages, the most common being English. Increasing access to technology means it’s easier than ever before to learn a language and millions of people every day do just that.
In fact, in a global workplace where a second language is fast becoming a standard requirement for jobs, learning a language isn’t just a competitive advantage, it’s a must-have. As the international language of business, English is the logical choice for most language learners.
It’s often said that economies move in cycles and that another recession cloud happen soon. So, what can you do to future-proof your career? Well, it takes time to learn a language so by starting early, you can get ahead of everyone else. You can also stay ahead by making the most of technology. There are smart ways to learn online that mean you can keep your language skills up to date without needing to commute miles to a language school. By practising your language skills you are increasing your flexibility – something vital for an ever-changing workplace.
So, is future-proofing your career part of your motivation for learning a language? If not what is and how are you going to protect your career if a financial crisis happens again?