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Learn English on the go
Short of time? Try incorporating our English app into your daily routine.
If you’re a busy professional, finding the time to acquire a new skill can be challenging – especially when your chosen skill is something that can’t be learnt on the job, like a language. For example, many professionals want to boost their employability by learning English, but may find it hard to attend classes or follow a traditional study routine. But being busy is no reason you should miss out – and in fact, many of us have more free time than we think. Here are some ideas for how you can fit learning English into a busy day.
Use multiple devices
If a traditional study routine won’t work for you, then neither will traditional study materials. Forget about the textbooks, notebooks and folders you used as a student and take a more digital approach by using devices such as your smartphone, iPad or tablet to help you learn. Even a laptop is too cumbersome when you’re on the go – make the most of your time with a device that allows you to access information quickly and efficiently and an English speaking app that teaches you what you need to know.
Learn English on your commute
Whether you take the train, tram, bus or underground to work, your commute is a great time to learn – after all, you’re not doing anything else. Simply swap your novel, Sudoku, computer game or newspaper for an app that will help you learn business English and you’ll be all set. Think about it: if your commute is at least 30 minutes, you’ll quickly achieve the recommended number of weekly learning hours.
Language learning over lunch
Another often overlooked period of the day that’s great for learning is lunch time. Rather than sitting at your desk staring at news websites or Facebook, find a quiet space where you can concentrate on your business vocabulary as you eat. Even better, if you know an English speaker, why not ask them to join you for lunch and practice your skills. Not only will this help you improve your English, you’ll be in a better state of mind for your afternoon of work after taking a break.
Learn English with our app
Learning English successfully when you have limited time involves choosing the right materials for your needs. At EF English Live, we’ve developed a Learn English app that is tailored to the needs of busy professionals who want to learn English on the go. This innovative app is available on iPad® and Android™ tablets and smartphones and has been designed to provide flexible learning for those who want to be able to focus on learning English whenever and wherever.
The app features 16 levels of English learning, including hundreds of hours of interactive sessions such as video lessons that allow you to listen to natural spoken English, and HD mini-movies designed to help improve your English vocabulary. All of the content can be accessed offline – making it perfect for those mornings when you are stuck in a train tunnel with nothing to do.
As experts in teaching English, we’ve also taken care to ensure that students don’t miss out on the benefits of classroom learning. The app includes an English pronunciation app and options to participate in live teacher-led classes.
One of the secrets to successfully learning a new language is immersion – and having an app that allows you to keep learning at different points throughout the day is a great way to achieve this, especially when combined with other techniques such as watching films and reading the news. To find out just how much different this approach can make, take a trial of the Learn English app today and gain access to its extensive rage of tools.