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English stories to inspire you
Looking for some motivation to learn English online? Our students and ambassadors are as inspiring as it gets.
Get to know our #EnglishLover and we bet you’ll recognise yourself. Learning a little before your holiday? Preparing for full time study or work abroad? Whatever your English study goals our students have been there and achieved it – and they want to help you get there too.
Full of inspiring advice and top study tips, let’s meet our ambassador, Daniele Giudici.
Age: 38
Nationality: Italian
Job: Product manager
Daniele’s English story
Daniele began learning English in high school. As an adult he attended more than 10 conventional schools for learning English; he’s studied abroad in the UK as well as at an ELS in New York.
And then he found EF English Live…
“I’ve studied with lots of English language schools but it’s only with EF English Live that I can say my English really improved.”
How has EF English Live helped Daniele?
He admits that a year ago his English was “terrible.” In six months he’s already progressed from level 7 to level 16, completed all of the General English lessons, as well as a range of modules, including Industry-Specific English.
English every day – “In Italy, it’s very difficult to have the chance to practice your English speaking. EF English Live is really important because I could study every day and be immersed in English.”
Want to speed up your English language learning? Then you need the opportunity to speak it daily. This aspect of online learning helped Daniele to make progress fast.
Joining a community – “As the name of the school suggests, I found that joining EF English Live was really entering into a community, like a town, where I could meet other students; a place where I can share my experiences, my doubts, my stories in order to practice my English in a fun and enjoyable way.
Your online learning will be more successful when you feel part of a friendly community that really supports you.
Boosting his confidence – “In the first few months, I only did the coursework so I could actually feel confident enough to speak before attending a Group or Private Class. Once I went to my first Group Conversation Class I found that the other people were at my level and I could compare my English to theirs and see my strengths.”
Daniele was too shy to speak out in group classes at first – this is where EF English Live can help. Solo coursework can help you build the confidence you need before progressing to a group class – and from there you’ll go from strength to strength.
Teachers from around the world – “I like that I can have a new teacher for each class. Unlike in conventional schools, with EF English Live some of my teachers were from Scotland or South Africa and each had a different accent, which helped me to train my ears. The teachers are nice and have a sense of humour that made me feel comfortable, but they were also good at correcting errors and teaching grammar.”
Learning from a global network of teachers, you’ll become accustomed to a range of English accents, dialects, giving you a far broader and deeper understanding of the English language. It helps to make learning more fun, interesting and motivational too.
Daniele’s inspiring study tips:
Create a study goal – “My goal was to move to London, so I dedicated at least an hour every day after dinner to sit on my sofa and study.”
For Daniel, a move to London was what helped him stay motivated and dedicated to his studies. Think about what you’d like to achieve as a result of your English studies and focus on that.
Explore what’s on offer – “Explore the school and you will discover that there is more there than you might think there is.”
Check out the full range of EF English Live resources for an even better learning experience. Things like:
Specialist English modules, including Industry-Specific English, Business English and more
Fast and fun English quizzes
Interactive learning videos
Don’t be afraid to speak out – “During the Conversation Classes I could compare my language skills with others and see that I was confident and could respond.”
Join in our conversation classes and have the opportunity to speak in English every day.
Don’t let laziness get in your way – “One of the biggest problems for a student is laziness (you have to study and then you must go to school at specific hours, and stress for the exams or the lessons) and EF English Live can overcome this. This is because you have your own school whenever you want with the app on smartphones and tablet or on the computer. This was the aspect that convinced me: I wanted a school that was comfortable for me, that could allow me to study when I wanted to study.”
Find the right study path for you – It’s important to find the right learning environment for you. As Daniele puts it, he joined EF English Live because it’s “the school that comes to your house,” and this is exactly the kind of learning that fitted into his life. With EF English Live you can study when you want, at your own pace, and choose:
Private one-to-one tuition
Group classes
Solo study