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Close a business deal in English with these 5 proven methods
Negotiation and sales is tough work. If you’re too pushy, people may think you are rude or aggressive but if you are too polite, you may never get to close the deal. Use these five proven methods to close a business deal in English and __________________.
Use “you” to focus the attention on the client
When speaking with a client, begin your sentences with the words “you” or “your”. This grabs their attention more quickly than beginning with phrases like “I think…” or “Let me tell you about…” because it focuses the attention on them, not on you. For example, “You’ll find that your English improves very rapidly when you study at EF English Live!” is much more personalized than “People’s English improves very rapidly when they study at EF English Live!”
Prove that you are telling the truth
We are all naturally sceptical of salespeople. After all, if it’s someone’s job to sell you something, they are going to say what they are selling is great, aren’t they? Earn your client’s trust by showing them proof of the benefits of what you are offering. Use expressions like “Look at these testimonials from other clients” or “Look at the rate of success – the numbers speak for themselves” to offer proof to the client. The ultimate proof is letting the client try out your product or service. For example, “Why don’t you try it out yourself by signing up for a free trial?” is a great way to encourage a client to sign up for your service.
Add something extra for free
Would you like a free iPad? Just kidding – It got your attention, though, didn’t it? Everyone likes to feel like they are getting something for free! If possible, add something extra to the deal to make the customer or client feel special. Use phrases like, “If you buy now, I can…” and “If we sign the deal soon, I can…” to put a little additional pressure on the customer to commit quickly and use the words “I’ll give you…” or “I’ll arrange…” to make your customer feel special. For example, “If you sign up today, I’ll give you one week free!”
Ask questions and listen to the answers
Hesitation is a natural part of making a deal, especially if the client is spending a lot of money. If your clients begin to hesitate, help them through the process of closing a deal by listening to them. Ask them questions that will help them be honest with you such as, “What concerns do you have?”, “What’s holding you back?” or “What’s stopping you from signing up today?”. Use their questions to help you explain why they should close the deal by reassuring them about any concerns they have. If there’s another problem that is preventing them from closing the deal, use the next tip to find a solution.
Be willing to negotiate
Remember, closing a deal isn’t just about getting what you want. If your customers have shared their concerns, you have to be willing to compromise to find a solution that suits you and the customer. Use expressions with “if” or “providing that” such as, “We’ll lower the price, if you agree to pay cash.” and “We’re prepared to make this deal exclusive, providing you sign a 10-year contract with us.” to show the conditions of an agreement or compromise.
Check out our English interview for a job tips in our EF English Live free resource section.