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10 English idioms for describing your mood
Probably the most commonly asked question in English is “How are you?”. Usually a simple “Very well, thanks” is an OK answer. What about if you want to be more honest or descriptive about your mood, though? Here are 10 idioms and expressions to help you describe your mood in English.
Bent out of shape
When you are bent out of shape over something, you feel very annoyed or angry. You can use the preposition ‘about’ instead of ‘over’ if you prefer.
Example: She got bent out of shape over the new dress code at work.
On cloud nine
When someone is on cloud nine, it means that he or she is feeling extremely happy.
Example: When he finally proposed to her, she was on cloud nine.
Spaced out
When you are not concentrating on what is going on around you, you can say you are spaced out or daydreaming.
Example: Dave, are you listening? You look totally spaced out!
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Shaken up
After people receive shocking news or experience something unexpected, they may feel shaken up. It means to be shocked or very surprised.
Example: After the accident she was completely shaken up.
On pins and needles
When people say they’re on pins and needles, they aren’t talking about sewing or injections. It really means that they are feeling anxious or nervous.
Example: The movie was so suspenseful, I was on pins and needles the whole time!
The next time someone asks you how you’re feeling after a long and tiring day, you can tell them that you’re beat or bushed. This is another way to say that you’re exhausted. A perfect excuse not to wash the dishes!
Example: Sorry, I can’t do the chores today, I’m beat/bushed!
Head over heels
Being in love is an amazing feeling. Being head over heels in love is a popular expression to describe that feeling of being completely in love with someone. You can also say you are madly in love.
Fed up
Whenever you feel really frustrated about something and no longer want to deal with it, you can tell people that you are completely fed up!
Example: I’ve had a terrible day at work and I’m feeling completely fed up!
Chilled out
This expression simply means the same as ‘relaxed’. It’s an informal expression and you can use it to talk about how you feel or to describe an activity that makes you feel that way.
Example: I feel really chilled out after my yoga class – it really helps me relax!
Under the weather
If you’re sick or just not feeling so well, just say you’re under the weather. In English, people only tend to use this expression to describe being slightly sick rather than being seriously ill.
Example: John’s feeling a bit under the weather tonight, so he won’t be joining us for dinner.
So, now you know how to describe your mood in English. Next time someone asks how you are in English, how will you answer?