Is there an easy way of learning English fast?
One of the main questions teachers get asked in class is:
“How can I learn English fast?”
Normally, a child learns their first language surrounded by that language, they are immersed in it, and step by step they also get schooled in various aspects of their language over the years. They learn to read, write, listen and speak. Some aspects may be easier than others, but all these skills are important.
So to learn another language quickly, think about how you learned your own language through reading, writing and speaking, and try to remember which method was easiest for you. For instance, if you found it easy to learn your native language by reading at school, try and find simple English books to read and build your confidence, vocabulary and understanding. Or if you really enjoy grammar, do the grammar activities online with EF English Live.
Remember also that there are lots of different aspects to learning a language, and try to use as many of these aspects as possible to keep you learning actively. For example, before coming into class, look at the topic you are going to learn. Think about what types of words will come up in class or what sentences you might need to use.
Then during your class use all the skills, read the words or look at the pictures to get some clues so that when the teacher speaks, you will understand not only what they say, but so you can also adopt the words they are using.
Listen to whether the teacher corrects what you have said and check if they have made any notes about your vocabulary or grammar. Make sure at the end of the lesson that you go back over the slides to check the vocabulary, or re-read the notes to see the corrections.
If there were words you did not know, write them down and go over them again later. The following day try to revise by writing down what you have learned or by talking to someone else about the class in English.
Look for chances to listen to the language you are learning as often as possible. On the internet, for instance, it is easy to watch a film clip over and over with subtitles to help check the meaning. Or, choose action films where the story is easy to understand. Then read a description of the film to check you have understood what happened. You could even try and write a review of the film.
Look for patterns in the language, for instance sound patterns such as ‘what, where, when’, ‘the cat, sat on the mat’, or verb patterns such as ‘go, going, gone’.
Build from easy material to harder material, but do sometimes challenge yourself, because trying to express something tricky will motivate you to learn more.
When learning vocabulary, link the word with an image in your head. For example for the word ‘flower’ imagine a pretty plant growing, while for ‘flour’ imagine someone making bread with it.
Try to find a friend who is also learning with EF English Live and set a time each week which will be your English time. Arrange to meet and have lunch together and make sure everything you say is in English. Or agree with your family that every Saturday breakfast will be your family English time. That way everyone will learn and benefit from your language class!
Try and come to class as often as you can to practice and develop your amazing new skills. And always congratulate yourself for what you have managed to do, not what you have not been able to do.
Want to learn more? Visit our website to start learning English online today!
Image: d3b.