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5 fun ways to learn and improve your English while losing weight
Every January, millions of people around the world resolve to lose weight. It’s one of the most popular New Year’s resolutions there is. It takes a lot of commitment and hard work to lose weight, though. So much so that there’s often not much time left in life for other hobbies. So, what about learning English? If your resolution this year is to lose weight and you want to improve your English too, here are five simple ways you can do both at the same time.
Learn in the gym
Spinning on a stationary bike or running on a treadmill can get boring. Don’t worry, though. You can use this time to work on your English listening by watching your favourite English movies on your smartphone while you work out. Choose something inspiring like the Rocky movies to practise your English listening and motivate yourself to train harder at the same time.
Listen to a podcast
If you’re out running on the street, watching a movie isn’t an option. You need to be able to see where you are going and pay attention to your surroundings. Try listening to a podcast while you run. You could choose something specifically for English learners such as the podcasts produced by the British Council, or something related to your work. Make sure you listen to the podcast more than once to explore all the interesting vocabulary it contains.
Work out with an English coach
You don’t need to be in an English-speaking country to work out in English. Buy, download or stream an exercise video in English and work out at home. You could even repeat the instructions given by the coach to practise your English pronunciation while you get fit.
Join an English-speaking sports team
If you are in an English-speaking country, this is a great way to meet new people to practise with. Even if you are not in a country where English isn’t the main language, you might find a sports club where expatriate English speakers play together. Join up and meet some new English-speaking friends to practise and get fit with.
Diet in English
No matter how hard you work out, you’ll need to sort out your diet if you really want to get in shape. You can also use this as a chance to practise your English reading skills. Look up some healthy recipes in English and practise following the instructions. Make sure to get it right so that your healthy meal tastes great.
So, those are our simple ways to learn English while losing weight. Do you have any others? Do you want to try some of these tips? Share how you will learn English while getting fit in the comments section below.