Expert tip: learn English by listening to music
Learning a new language should spark all your senses, as well as your creative side. Therefore, it’s helpful to try and think of new techniques that you can use to help you learn.
Of course as a student you need to study your new English vocabulary, and you must practice your new English knowledge in your Group and Private Classes. However, there are several additional ways to enhance your learning process.
For example, listening to music in English will definitely enhance your language comprehension. English music improves your listening skills and increases your vocabulary. Music even helps your pronunciation. As you listen to the lyrics, you will be exposed to new English words.
Listening to English music is an activity that you can do all day, everyday. The key is to listen to as many English songs as possible every single day.
Don’t forget to sing too! Yes, that’s right, as you are listening to some songs, try to open your mouth and sing along. Since you are imitating the sounds, your tongue will become more accustomed to English sounds, thus improving your English pronunciation.
Go out and try it now! Play English music in the background while you are doing any activity. Soon you will notice that you are singing along… in English!
Image: FunGi_