Common English mix-ups: advice and advise
Two words that are mixed up all the time, even by native speakers, are ‘advice’ and ‘advise’.
Advice – A noun meaning a suggestion you give someone. For example: “Listen to the advice your parents give you, they only want you to stay safe.”
Advise – A verb meaning to offer a suggestion. So when your parents were giving you the advice, they were advising you.
Advice – Think of the word ‘celery’, the ‘c’ in ‘celery’ sounds the same as the ‘c’ in ‘advice’.
Advise – The ‘s’ in ‘advise’ is more like the ‘z’ sound as in ‘zebra’.
‘Advice’ does not have a plural form, so it always remains in the same form. Usually we use ‘to offer’ or ‘to give’ to talk about advice. For example: “He gave me some good advice.”
Because ‘Advise’ is a verb, it needs to be conjugated to match your subject and your tense. Also, after the correct form of the verb, you need to say who you are advising -him/her, you, me, us. For example:
“They advised me not to do it.” “I am advising her.” “I will advise you to do it.”
Do you think you are ready for some practice? Here are some questions. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of ‘advise’ or ‘advice’.
1. My mother always said “don’t run after you eat.” This was very good _________
2. I ______ you not to call her all day.
3. My parents _________ me to finish school.
4. She gave me some ________ on how to talk to him.
5. Could you give me some ________?
1. Advice
2. Advise
3. Advised
4. Advice
5. Advice
image: mlinksva