英文連接詞的巧妙|EF ENGLISH LIVE部落格
你的英語寫作中總是重複許多短句嗎? 遇到這種情況,你需要使用連接詞把句子串連起來,使句子更順暢。那麼該如何使用連接詞呢? 首先,來看以下這段帶有幾個連接詞和很短的句子的內容 :
Some sentences are short. Some sentences can be very long. Both types are useful. If you use only short sentences all the time, it can be boring to read. If you use only long sentences all the time it can be confusing to read. People will soon lose interest in what you have to say.
Longer (not long) sentences can add color to your story. Longer sentences can add variety to your sentence. Longer sentences can help you avoid excessive repetition. Longer sentences can help you create a flow to your work.
這段內容可能有些枯燥,讓我們來加上一些連接詞,然後比較一下有哪些不同 :
Some sentences are short while others can be very long but both types are useful. If you use only short sentences all the time, it can be boring to read. However, if you use only long sentences all the time, it can be confusing to read and people will soon lose interest in what you have to say.
Longer (not long) sentences can add color and variety to your story and they can also help you avoid excessive repetition, creating a flow to your work.
那該如何知道,什麼時候使用哪個連接詞呢?首先要確定句子想表達的語意。是要連接兩個相近的意思(例如as)? 兩個相反的意思(例如but)? 兩個可以替換的意思(例如or)? 還是一個句子的意思從屬於另一個句子(例如because / since / so)? 要依據需求與功能,選擇所要使用的連接詞。傳統上來說,通常不會將連接詞放在句首,然而在現代英語中,把連接詞放在句首是可以的,而且也要記得的是避免在一個句子中使用太多的連接詞,造成冗長與累贅之感。