This product is the bomb! 這東西最夯!|EF ENGLISH LIVE部落格
你可以說:This is the hottest product right now.、This is the in product right now.,也可說:This is all the rage.。若你想說某樣產品超熱門,一下子便賣光,便可以說:This product is selling like hot cakes.。
A: I don’t get why so many people are waiting in line over there…
B: Jeremy Lin is in town again. Everyone wants to buy his new action figure. It’s the bomb right now!
hot (adj.) 熱門的
in (adj.) 時髦的;超流行的
rage (n.) 風靡一時的事物
hot cake 賣得超快超好的東西
wait in line 排隊
action figure 玩具公仔
bomb (n.) 大成功;轟動一時的事物
This is the hottest product. 這東西最熱門。
This is the in product. 這東西超熱門。
This product is in. 這東西超熱門。
This is all the rage. 這東西超火。
This product is selling like hot cakes. 這東西賣得超好。
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