沒有ing形式的狀態動詞|EF ENGLISH LIVE部落格
在英文中,那些有進行式ing 形式,看得見動作正在進行,並持續進行一段時間的動詞,稱為動態動詞,例如 : watch/ watching, play/ playing, eat/eating, read/reading, work/working, speak/speaking, cook/cooking等。
但,並不是所有的動詞都有ing的形式,有些動詞表達的是一個狀態,只是存在於意念、思想、概念、感受與情緒當中,看不見實際發生的動作,就不能有ing的說法,這些動詞稱為非動態動詞、亦稱為狀態動詞,例如 : know / understand / believe / realize / recognize / prefer / agree / want / need / seem / own / belong
I know Jack. 我認識Jack
≠ I am knowing Jack.
I don’t understand what you said. 我不懂你說的意思
≠ I am not understanding what you said.
I still believe that people are fundamentally good. 我依舊相信人的本質是良善的
≠ I still am believing that people are fundamentally good.
They realize the danger they are in. 他們意識到自己身處的危險
≠ They are realizing the danger they are in.
I prefer coffee to tea. 我喜歡咖啡勝過茶
≠ I am preferring coffee to tea.
I agree with you on the issue. 在這問題上我同意你的看法
≠ I am agreeing with you on the issue.
I want to spend more time with my family. 我想多花時間和家人在一起
≠ I am wanting to spend more time with my family.
I need to get some fresh air. 我需要出去透透氣
≠ I am needing to get some fresh air.
I seem to know more about Michael than anyone else. 我似乎比其他人更瞭解Michael
≠ I am seeming to know more about Michael than anyone else.
We own our apartment. 我們擁有自己的公寓
≠ We are owning our apartment.
This book belongs to Laura. 這本書是Laura的
≠ This book is belonging to Laura.