不是運動迷,也能搞懂運動英文的巧妙|EF ENGLISH LIVE部落格
如果你是EF English Live部落格的讀者,就會發現英文的慣用語真是千奇百怪、無奇不有。所以你必須要 “think out of the box” 才能把慣用語學好,以下我們要學的這些與運動相關的慣用語當然也不例外。
Call the shots – 發號施令(源自撞球)
I’m stepping and calling the shots from now on. Everyone gets back to work immediately.
Drop the ball – 犯錯、搞砸(源自球類運動)
I can’t believe I dropped the ball. I completely forget about Jessica’s birthday.
我不敢相信我搞砸了,我完全忘了Jessica 的生日!
Down to the wire – 直到勝負分曉的最後時刻(源自賽馬)
I know it’s down to the wire and we only have one day to make this happen, but don’t give up now!
Hit your target – 達成目標(源自射箭)
If we work hard, we can still hit our target and sell more than last month.
如果我們努力的話,還是可以達成目標, 讓銷售成績比上個月更好。
Hit below the belt – 暗箭傷人(源自拳擊)
I can’t believe he went ahead and pitched the idea without us. That was a real hit below the belt.
Take sides – 選邊站、偏袒(源自團隊運動)
You and Tom really need to sort out your issues. I don’t want to take sides with either of you any more.
Get the ball rolling – 開始某件事物(源自球類運動)
Let’s get the ball rolling on moving the furniture. I’ll grab the chairs.
Make the cut – 過關、符合標準、晉級(源自團隊運動)
Congratulations on making the cut everyone. You three have been hired out of 40 applicants.
恭喜每個人都過關, 你們3位已從40個申請人中被錄取了。
The ball is in your court – 現在該由你採取行動了(源自網球)
You can either sulk all day or go up and apologize to her. The ball is in your court.
Blind sided – 始料未及
I was completely blind-sided. I never thought she would do that.