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I have to do some penny-pinching this month if I want to buy that coat!


A penny saved is a penny earned.


A: Why do you bring your lunch to work with you instead of buying it at a cafe?
B: I’m trying to save money and a penny saved is a penny earned!


The best things in life are free. 生命中最美好的東西都是免費的

和這個俚語相近的說法是 Money isn’t everything,換句話說金錢在生命中無法買最重要的東西,如愛情、友誼或健康。

My favorite  thing in life is going for a walk in the park with my family – The best things in life are free!

我生活中最喜歡的事就是和家人一起散步 — 生命中最美好的東西都是免費的!

Saving for a rainy day


Every month,  I transfer part of my salary into a savings account.
I think it’s important to save for a rainy day.


A fool and his money are soon parted.


A: I can’t believe Dave spent all his money on a new car! It will be worth have the price next year.
B: Well, a fool and his money are soon parted!


Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.


A: How have you been so successful in your career?
B: I get up early every morning. You know what they say “Early to bed, early to rise…”


Money doesn’t grow on trees.


Child: Mom, can you buy me this new toy?
Mother: No, it’s too expensive. Money doesn’t grow on trees!


Money talks.


A: I can’t believe they got this work done so quickly. Did you pay them extra to make them work harder?
B: Yes. Money talks, you know?

A: 我不相信他們這麼快就完成這個工作了,你有額外給他們錢,所以他們更努力的工作了?

In for a penny, in for a pound


A: I said I’d help Simon with this project but it’s so much more work than I expected!  Should I tell him I can’t help anymore?
B: I think you should keep helping until it is finished. In for a penny, in for a pound!


讀完以上的俚語後你有什麼想法呢?你是否認為生活中最好的東西是免費的呢?嘗試在你自己的例句中使用這些片語,並且在筆記本上記下來或者在Facebook, Twitter上與說英語的朋友們分享吧。

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