巧婦難為無米之炊|EF ENGLISH LIVE部落格
You can’t make something out of nothing. 這句英文諺語直譯是「你不能從『沒有』中生出『有』」,亦即不能無中生有。這句話通常用在告訴一個人不能強人所難,沒有的事情就是沒有,不可能憑空變得出來,例如一個男生想和迷戀的對象求婚,但女方卻一點意思也沒有,這時你便可以勸男生:You can’t make something out of nothing.,告訴他這是「不可能的任務」。
金融危機讓很多人在股市或其他投資上面虧損連連,甚至傾家蕩產,有些人因此痛定思痛,縮衣節食,甚至參與政府所開辦的各種職訓及創業課程,以求東山再起;有些人卻仍執迷不悟,只會天天做著致富的夢。別忘了 You can’t make something out of nothing,人不可能忽然沒錢變有錢,愛拼才會贏!
A:About the school’s graduation dance, I want a stage set up on the sports field…
B:But, Mr. Wilson (the Principal), where are we going to get a stage?
A:…and then, set up flowers in front of the stage, cover the stage with red carpet, and sprinkle rose petals on the stage…
B:Mr. Wilson, where are we going to get the funding for all this?
A:…most importantly, we are going to invite the “Million Star” gang over to perform at our school. It’ll make for a really tearful event both on the stage and off…
B:Uh… Mr. Wilson, you can’t make something out of nothing. Since we don’t have anything, I think we should just cry on each other’s shoulders.
B:校長 (Wilson 先生),可是我們哪裡找個舞台來?
dance (n.) 舞會
stage (n.) 舞台
sports field 運動場
principal (n.) 校長
carpet (n.) 地毯
sprinkle (v.) 灑;撒
petal (n.) 花瓣
funding (n.) 資金
gang (n.) 一夥人
tearful (adj.) 使人流淚的
set up 搭建;架設
例句:Please set up the equipment before the scheduled time so you will have time to test the system.(請在安排好的時程之前架設好器具,這樣你才會有時間測試這個系統。)
cover with… 以…覆蓋
例句:Our houses are covered with snow during the entire winter.(我們的房子在整個冬季都被白雪覆蓋。)
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