酷熱當頭的英文|EF ENGLISH LIVE部落格
今年夏天熱到爆,全球6月均溫一再飆高,單日最高氣溫屢創紀錄,真是Hot ! Hot ! Hot ! 然而hot除了表示身體感受到外在的熾熱之外,還可以比喻內心備受煎熬的處境。這有哪些常見說法呢?
Hot and bothered –
to be excited, anxious or angry about 對某件事感到焦慮或憤怒
John’s hot and bothered about the new neighbors making all that noise every night.
Be in hot water –
to be in trouble 有如置身於熱水中,陷入困境、惹上麻煩了
Sally is in hot water with her parents for sneaking out the other night.
Hot on the trail –
to be very close to catching or finding something or someone 快要抓到或找到某個人或某件事
She’s hot on the trail of finding the person who stole her credit card.
Go like hot cakes –
to be selling out fast 就像熱騰騰的蛋糕,比喻東西熱銷
The day after Thanksgiving, TV sets sell like hot cakes – the shelves are empty by noon!
In the hot seat –
to be in a high-pressure situation where a lot of attention is on you 坐在熱椅上,表示處在高壓艱難的困境
Mark is in the hot seat this week.
He just got word he has to lay off 10 people by Friday!
Not so hot –
to not be very good 與”熱”沒有直接關連,只表示不太好 – 食物不太好吃、身體不太舒服、工作表現不太好
That restaurant we went to last night wasn’t so hot.
It was overpriced and the food wasn’t impressive.