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例如 :





If you had studied harder, you would have passed the exam.
如果你當時多用功,那時就會通過考試了 ( 但事實上你當時沒用功)

If it had rained, we could have gotten wet.
如果當時下雨, 我們那時可能就會全身淋濕了 ( 但事實上當時沒下雨 )

If I had accepted that promotion, I would have worked in Boston.
如果我當時接受了那個升遷機會,那時就會在波士頓工作了 (但事實上我沒接受)

If Peter had known my address, he would have sent me a postcard from Peru.
如果Peter當時知道我的地址,他那時就會從祕魯寄明信片給我 ( 但事實上他不知道我的地址 )

I would have helped you if you had told me the problem.
我那時候會幫你,如果你當時有告訴我這個問題 ( 但事實上你沒告訴我 )

We would have come if we had been invited.
我們當時會來,如果那時有被邀請的話 ( 但事實上我們沒有被邀請 )


If you hadn’t been late, we wouldn’t have missed the train.
如果你當時沒有遲到的話, 我們那時候就不會錯過火車了 ( 但事實上你遲到了 )

If I hadn’t gone to the party, I wouldn’t have met Jerry.
如果我當時沒去派對的話,我那時就不會遇見Jerry了 ( 但事實上我有去派對 )

They wouldn’t have got married if they hadn’t gone to the same university.
他們當時不會結婚,如果他們沒上同一所大學的話 (但事實上他們上同一大學 )

If you had taken a taxi, you wouldn’t have been late.
如果你當時搭計程車,你那時就不會遲到了 ( 但事實上你沒搭計程車 )

If you have gone to bed early, you wouldn’t have been so tired.
如果你當時早一點睡,那時就不會覺得那麼累了 ( 但事實上你沒早一點睡 )

Mary could have gone traveling if she hadn’t taken the job.
Mary 那時可能就去旅行了,如果她當時沒有接受那個工作的話 ( 但事實上她接受了那個工作 )

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