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**A:**What sizes does this come in?
**B:**They come in XS, S, M, L, and XL.
**A:**I wear USA size 8. Which of these sizes should I choose?
**B:**S refers to sizes 4 to 6 and M is 8 to 10, so you should choose M.
• come in 可提供
• refer to… 指的是…
**A:**Excuse me. My husband’s chest perimeter? is 88 centimeters?. What is that in inches?
**B:**Let me check that for you… It’s about 34.5 inches.
**A:**And his waistline? is 72 centimeters. How many inches would that be?
**B:**That’ll be around 28 inches.
**B:**讓我幫妳查一下… 大概是34.5吋。
**B:**大約是28 吋。
• perimeter (n.) 周圍;周長
• centimeter (n.) 公分
• waistline (n.) 腰圍
**A:**Hi, excuse me. What color does this scarf come in?
**B:**Oh, it comes in gray, grass green, light purple, and light brown.
**A:**Any other patterns?
**B:**In addition to plain, we also have that in plaid and stripes.
• plaid (n.) 格子圖案
• stripe (n.) 條紋
**A:**Can you tell me what material this sweater is made of?
**B:**It’s natural first-grade cashmere.
**A:**What’s special about this kind of wool?
**B:**It has excellent thermal properties, a soft texture, and a rich satin-like luster!
• first-grade (adj.) 最高級的
• cashmere (n.) 喀什米爾羊毛織品
• thermal (adj.) 熱的
• property (n.) 性能;屬性
• texture (n.) 質地
• satin (n.) 似緞的;光滑柔軟的
• luster (n.) 光澤
**A:**Do you sell belts that would go with this dress?
**B:**You can check the accessories section to the left of the checkout counter.
**A:**Do you have something in metal in addition to cloth and leather belts?
**B:**We have all kinds. We not only carry belts, we also have earrings, necklaces, hair accessories, and bracelets. You name it; we have it!
• go with… 與……相配
• accessory (n.) 配件
• checkout counter 結帳櫃臺
• carry (v.) 備有;有出售
• name (v.) 說出;列舉
**A:**I’m looking for a pair of trousers that can go with this shirt. Do you have any suggestions?
**B:**I believe that a fitted but stretchable pair of plain dark pants is what you’re looking for.
**A:**Why not one with a pattern?
**B:**That’s because your shirt is decorative enough.
• trousers (n.) 長褲
• fitted (adj.) (衣服)合身的
• stretchable (adj.) 能伸展的
• decorative (adj.) 裝飾性的
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