Beauty is but skin deep.–美色只是一層皮|EF ENGLISH LIVE部落格
beauty is but skin deep
這句諺語的意思其實很簡單明瞭,意思就是 physical beauty is superficial(肉體的美是很膚淺的),引申出來的意思便是 a person’s character is more important than his/her appearance(一個人的人格特質比他的外表重要)。這句諺語中的 but 是副詞,意為「僅僅…,只是…」,因此這句話也可寫成:Beauty is only skin deep.。
**A:**I sure wish I could be Nicole Kidman.
**B:**Why’s that?
**A:**Because she’s tall and svelte and built like a model, and she has skin as fair as a baby’s.
**B:**That’s all very enviable, but…
**A:**And her hair is like ribbons of silk, her mouth crimson red, her teeth pearly white, and her features etched with perfection to the point of disbelief.
**B:**Please. Aren’t you exaggerating a bit? Don’t forget that beauty is but skin deep.
svelte (adj.)(女性)纖細的
fair (adj.) 白皙的
enviable (adj.) 令人羨慕的
ribbon (n.) 絲帶
silk (n.) 絲綢
crimson (adj.) 深紅色的
pearly (adj.) 珍珠似的
features (n.)(複數)相貌;容顏
etch (v.) 深印
perfection (n.) 完美
disbelief (n.) 不信
exaggerate (v.) 誇張
beauty (n.) 美貌;美
to the point of… 到…地步
This poor journalist was beaten by gangsters to the point of death.(這可憐的記者被幫派份子打到快要死了。)
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