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簡報的開場白稱為 opening statement 或 hook,目的就是要引起聽眾對簡報的興趣,因此越有創意、越能吸引聽眾的注意力越好。常見的引言方式有四種,你可以在簡報中個別使用,也可以兩、三種並用。現在就來看看:
簡報最常見的開場白方式應屬問問題,因為可以增加與聽眾的互動。常見的句型有:Can anyone tell me…(有人能告訴我……)、Does anyone know… (有人知道……嗎?)、Shout out if you know… (如果您知道……請大聲說出來)。不過有時候若你的目的只是在激發聽眾思考,而不是要求他們真的回答問題,也可以用Consider/think for a moment…(思考一下……)的句型。
● Can anyone tell me how many new products we developed last year?
● Does anyone know how to book the cheapest flight possible to anywhere online?
● Shout out if you know the answer to my question—what is a ketogenic diet?
● Consider for a moment: Would you rather be a follower or a leader?
這是一個講求證據的時代,因此在簡報一開始時,你可以提供重要的數據或統計資料引起聽眾的興趣。常用的句型有:Statistics show that…(數據顯示……)、According to…(根據……)、Scientists suggest that…(科學家認為……)、A report revealed that…(一個報導顯示……)等。
● Statistics show that smokers are four times more likely to have lung cancer than nonsmokers.
● According to the Tourism Bureau, over 5 million visitors traveled to India this year.
根據觀光局的統計,今年有超過 500 萬旅客前往印度。
● Scientists suggest that antibiotics are useless against flu and other viruses.
● A report revealed that 94 percent of Americans fail to exercise for 30 minutes a day.
一份報告顯示,94% 的美國人沒有每天運動 30 分鐘。
簡報開場時,你可以利用意想不到的驚人事實,或是與大眾想法相左的資訊驚嚇聽眾,引起其強烈的情緒反應,進而在腦海中留下深刻印象。常見的句型為:Did you know that…(您知道……)、Believe it or not…(信不信由您……)。
● Did you know that people with pale skin are eight times more likely to get skin cancer than people with dark skin?
● **Believe it or not:**each year Michael Jordan makes more money from Nike than all the Nike factory workers in Malaysia combined.
信不信由您:Michael Jordan 每年從 Nike 賺的錢比所有在馬來西亞 Nike 工廠的工人都還多。
好的簡報必須在一開始便引起聽眾對內容的好奇心,因此你可以用 Have you ever wondered…(您可曾好奇……)、Did you ever wonder…(您可曾好奇……)等句型來吸引聽眾,然後在接下來的簡報中公布答案,滿足聽眾的好奇心。
● Have you ever wondered how some companies are staying one step ahead even in this tough economy?
● Did you ever wonder how someone with color-blindness sees the world?