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結尾是聽眾記憶最深刻的部分,務必花心思準備。最常見的結語方式是做結論 (conclusion) 或摘要 (summary),藉由重複簡報重點,幫助聽眾牢記簡報內容。此外,若要有個強而有力的結尾,你也可以促使聽眾採取某些行動、提出問題讓聽眾思考、呼應簡報的開頭、引用他人所說的話,甚至是預測未來。現在就來看看這些有力的結尾方式:
● What are you waiting for? Throw away your vitamins and start getting your nutrition through our energy drink.
● As I’ve said many times—the seats are extremely limited, so book yours right now !
● Our machine has the highest power efficiency on the market. I’m looking forward to taking your order.
● What would happen to the next generation if we don’t act now?
● So, as I close, please ask yourself, “How much risk am I willing to take in order to achieve my investment goals?”
● I would like to finish my talk by asking you one simple question. If we don’t allow our children to fail, how will they cope with failure as adults?
● At the outset, I said that by the end of this presentation, you would have changed your ideas about renewable energy. I hope I’ve managed to deliver what I promised to you.
● As I said in the beginning, medical marijuana has many benefits. After listening to my ideas, I am sure you will agree with my proposal to remove the ban on medical marijuana.
● I would like to conclude my presentation in the words of a great man, Nelson Mandela, “It always seems impossible until it’s done;” so let’s start making an impact today!
● Before I wrap up the training session, I’d like to share a line from my favorite movie Three Idiots, “Pursue excellence, and success will follow.” Thank you, everyone.
● Based on my analysis today, I am sad to say that our country’s brain drain and its inability to attract foreign professionals will become an underlying problem for economic growth.
● What is the future of e-commerce? I’m confident to say that it will be increasingly personalized and provide consumers with customized services.